Directed / Edit / Cinematography by Jeannette

Humanity races toward its own annihilation a blind, desperate march powered by greed and violence. The machines hum, the engines roar, and the war drums pound louder than ever before. Man’s endless hunger to conquer has become a death drive, an unstoppable spiral dragging civilization to the edge of the abyss. The horses, wild and unbroken, are the beast within primal, furious, and beyond control. They thrash and snarl, urging us forward as steel and fire swallow the earth. This is no distant reckoning; the fall is already in motion. The ground quakes beneath us the end is not coming. IT'S HERE.


ARTIST : _____NAZZ____

Gaffer / 2nd camera Marizo Siller

The Palms

"Future Love" - Live @ Teragram Ballroom (2017)

Directed / Edit / Cinematography

by Jeannette

Geneva Jacuzzi - CASKETS

Live show 2017

Directed / Edit / Cinematography

by Jeannette